We’re thrilled to have pieces about some of our printmaking heroes (see list below) in our third issue. We’ve been very lucky to have some great contributions from around the world of printmaking – if there’s some common ground to be found here, it’s in making art from the everyday, taking something and elevating it through the medium of print. Through these inspiring stories of creative endeavour and experimentation, it’s pretty clear that you get out what you put in. With some printmaking 'household names' featured alongside some wonderful artists and creatives from all over the world - letterpress record covers, linocut skaters, DIY studio set ups, we've got it all... It’s a real corker! 我们很高兴能在第三期中找到关于我们的一些版画英雄的作品。 我们非常幸运能够获得来自世界各地的版画作品的巨大贡献 - 如果在这里找到一些共同点,那就是从日常生活中创作艺术品, 拿出一些东西并通过印刷媒介提升它。 通过这些鼓舞人心的创意努力和实验故事, 很明显你可以得到你所放的东西。 一些版画的“家喻户晓的名字”与来自世界各地的一些精彩的艺术家和创意人一起展出 - 活版唱片封面,linocut滑冰选手,DIY 工作室设置, 我们已经拥有了...这是一个真正的工作人员!