Featuring portfolios from the world’s most intriguing image-makers including Wolfgang Tillmans, Jeff Wall, Richard Prince, Anne Collier, Lucas Blalock, Thomas Ruff and Sara Cwynar, and an extended essay by Edward Dimsdale. We also pair Whitney Hubbs's series, Body Doubles, with a new short story by Alex MacKeith; explore the public and private life of an artwork in an essay by Elizabeth Murphy; and speak with collector Anita Zabludowicz. 拥有世界上最有趣的图像制作者的作品集, 包括Wolfgang Tillmans,Jeff Wall,Richard Prince, Anne Collier,Lucas Blalock,Thomas Ruff和Sara Cwynar, 以及Edward Dimsdale的扩展文章。 我们还将Whitney Hubbs的系列剧“双打”与Alex MacKeith的新短片配对; 在伊丽莎白墨菲的一篇文章中探讨艺术作品的公共和私人生活; 并与收藏家Anita Zabludowicz交谈。