PPP本意指Public-Private-Partnership的字母缩写, 是指政府与私人组织之间为了建设城市基础设施项目, 或是为了提供某种公共物品和服务的合作。 PPP project 指People-Packed-Peace的首字母缩写。 该项目旨在通过即时的非常规性的展览形式, 表达艺术家的自我抒发性创作及想法交流,也将为本地社区和社群组成新的架构。 The PPP originally refers to the acronym for Public-Private-Partnership, which refers to the cooperation between the government and private organizations in order to build urban infrastructure projects or to provide certain public goods and services. PPP project refers to the acronym for People-Packed-Peace. The project aims to express the artist's own creative creation and exchange of ideas through an instant and unconventional form of exhibition, and will also form a new structure for the local community .