analog magazine Issue #5 is a high quality coffee-table book, which explores the work of six talented photographers accompanied by an exciting fiction story. As with previous editions, some great content awaits in this number. Jason Koxvold from Belgium presents “Everything, and nothing". Matthieu Litt, also from Belgium, exhibits “Horsehead nebula”. Zhang Kechung from China brings his acclaimed series “The Yellow River”. Thomas Zamolo from France immerses us in the world of instant photography. From Hong Kong, Tifflilac offers a set of minimal portraits. To finish, we feature the early works of Miky Arsenjev from the Czech Republic. In this number Liliana Colanzi from Bolivia takes center stage in the literary section with her constantly thrilling short story “Meteorite”. analog杂志第5期是一本高质量的咖啡桌书, 它探讨了六位才华横溢的摄影师的作品以及令人兴奋的小说故事。 与之前的版本一样,这个数字还有一些很棒的内容。 来自比利时的Jason Koxvold展示了“Everything,no nothing”。 来自比利时的Matthieu Litt展出了“Horsehead nebula”。 来自中国的张克铿带来了他广受好评的系列剧“黄河”。 来自法国的Thomas Zamolo将我们沉浸在瞬间的世界中 Tifflilac来自香港,提供一系列最小的肖像画。 最后,我们展出了来自捷克共和国的Miky Arsenjev的早期作品。 在这个数字中,来自玻利维亚的莉莉安娜·科兰齐(Liliana Colanzi) 以其不断惊心动魄的短篇小说“陨石”(Meteorite)成为文学部分的中心舞台。